Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 TCF first meeting.


A tired day not because activities or classes,
but is because I sleep late late late and not enough sleeping.
Headacheeeeeeee LOL!

I sacrificed my nap in the afternoon to do this.
How is it??????
I had put a lot of effort in doing this powerpoint.
Last minute.
Nearly late for TCF.
Find beautiful photos, change fonts, choosing songs, writing the lyrics in and so on.....
Although just a little work but don't know why I so serious and used up lot of time.  : |
I am 领会 in TCF tonight.
Already long time didn't do 领会.
Soooooooo scared that I will spoiled the first meeting of the year.
Hope to get a good image for TCF so that more people can join us!

Thanks GOD.
Everything going well although I am late and a bit rush.

Hey! tell me that I did a great job!  *smiling happily*

A happy night with game, songs and speech by Mdm Esther.
Thanks GOD again.

Setting a goal and aim for it!
A goal is S.M.A.R.T.
S for Specific
M for Measurable
A for Attainable
R for Relevant
T for Time-bound

Set your goal from:
1. Spirituality
2. Personal growth
3. Career/financial
4. Realationships
5. Home/family
6. Health/fitness

That's all.
Gotta go now.
Facebook and do homeworks and hope to sleep early LOL.
Need wake up very early for PJ.
And then whole day classes for tomorrow.  :(
Good night all.
Peace and sweet dream.

Find difficulties in making decision.
GOD please lead me.  :)

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